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2020 Tech Talks

Here are the TechTalk videos from 2020 should you wish to view a particular subject.


Note: There are a number of other TechTalks that have yet to be converted. Because we had numerous requests to see the video about the Southern Electronic Group's remote HF stations, it has been published out of sequence - if you want to see the recording of another meeting, please contact the PARG Secretary.



$130 Vector Network Analyser

Peel Amateur Radio Group TechTalk by Mark Bosma VK6QI/VK2KI on the NanoVNAv2 (or SAAV2).

- What is it? - VNA Uses - NanoVNA Functions 

- How does it work? - What can I use it for?

- Where to buy, what models available?

- What else do I need? - Questions and Discussion by PARG members.

- Closing Credits

How do repeaters work?

Peel Amateur Radio Group TechTalk by Mark Bosma VK6QI/VK2KI and Martin Diggens VK6MJ on the operation of repeaters.
The video is quite long (102 minutes - a bit like a boring movie!) but covers:

- how amateur radio repeaters work,

- the technical challenges,

- operating advice, and

- concludes with a visit to the VK6RMH 2m repeater in Mandurah, and the usual closing credits.

The video could be of interest particularly to Foundation and Standard amateur radio license holders, or people working toward their first license.

Portable Amateur Radio Operations

Peel Amateur Radio Group TechTalk by Geoff Hart-Davies VK6GHD on portable amateur radio operations.

Geoff’s terrific talk on portable amateur radio operations, includes:
- Summits on the Air, World-Wide Flora and Fauna/VK Flora and Fauna, Islands on the Air, and
- Beaches on the Air, - websites, - equipment - antennas. 

The talk is followed with a short discussion by Maurice Bersan on his interesting Microbitx all band HF transceiver kit that he uses portable.

The group then looked at a very nice Yaesu FT101Z and Geoff's Yaesu FT-817 to see whether he'd let the smoke out of the final transistors again.

The usual (hopefully) humorous final credits round out the video.

Website Management

Peel Amateur Radio Group TechTalk by David Millett VK6FAAZ on Website Management.

- Update by PARG President Geoff Hart-Davies VK6GHD.

- Website Management presentation by David Millett VK6FAAZ.

- Morse keys by Tony Boddy VK6DQ.

- Crammond Commodore - 55A maritime transceiver by John Thompson VK6FAAJ.

- RF phasing noise cancelers by Maurice Bersan VK6HLY.

- PAKRAT configuration by Terry Francis VK6TTF.

- Web-based magnetic loop antenna design solver by Miguel Vaca.

Magnetic Loop Antenna and RF Inductor Design

Peel Amateur Radio Group TechTalk by Miguel Vaca VK3CPU on development of apps for the design of magnetic loop antennas and RF inductors.

- Magnetic Antenna Loop Design.

- Antenna Research.

- Magnetic Loop Antenna App.

- RF Inductor Design.

- App Coding.

The links to the two Apps are:

 and - these are formatted for best viewing, on a mobile phone.

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