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BB 2022


It's on again!! The Birthday Bash 2022 will start and finish an hour earlier this year.


This intra-club activity is always a lot of fun. It also allows members to fire up and test that radio or antenna you have wanted to try.

Keep the trusty rig just in case, try them all out.


The contest (more like a fun competition) is a chance for club members to talk to one another and spend some time on air. It is especially good for new licence holders and those with maybe limited talk time on air. You can use any mode or band on your licence, CW, Echolink, Winlink, the club repeater or a remote station.


The Contest rules should be read thoroughly. Just make sure you get the time, callsign, serials sent and received, band and mode, on a scrap piece of paper if you have to. We can figure out the rest afterwards. Did I mention it is also a fun activity?


There is the Contest Logger for recording all your contacts. Make a copy and play with that, that way you can't mess it up. Keep the original for the Bash. Rename the file name by putting your name and callsign at the end of the file name.

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