Peel Amateur Radio Group
PARG Field Days and Antenna Tests
Morning folks.
This weekend is the Annual Australian VKFF Activation Weekend.
As you can see from Paul’s web page, there’s be a shload of people out over East - perhaps a bit late, but could WA provide a good turn out as well? Great opportunity to have a go in a National Park, State Park or mountain top somewhere?
www.parksnpeaks.org to see Alerts and Spots of who’s where, when and what frequencies.
Suggested Parks and SOTA frequencies:
160m. 1800 - 1875kHz. SSB: 1843 - 1875kHz. Advanced.
80m. 3500 - 3700kHz. SSB: 3535-3570, 3600-3700 All licenses. 3776-3780kHz Advanced.
40m. 7000 - 7300kHz. SSB: 7060-7074, 7080-7300.
30m. 10100 - 10150kHz. SSB: 10120 - 10135. Advanced.
20m. 14000 - 14350kHz. SSB: 14112 - 14350. Advanced & Standard.
17m. 18068 - 18168kHz. SSB: 18110 - 18168. Advanced.
15m. 21000 - 21450kHz. SSB: 21150 - 21450.
12m. 24890 - 24990kHz. SSB: 24930 - 24990. Advanced.
10m. 28000 - 29700kHz. SSB: 28300 - 29100.
160m: CW: 1844, 1832, 1808
80m: SSB: 3600, 3610, 3644. CW: 3532, 3535, 3528
40m: SSB: 7144. CW: 7032, 7035, 7028
30m: SSB: 10125? CW: 10116, 10118
20m: SSB: 14315, 14244, 14344 CW: 14062, 14065, 14058
17m: SSB: 18144? CW: 18092, 18095, 18085
15m: SSB: 21310, 21344. CW: 21062, 21065, 21058
12m: SSB: 24944? CW: 24900, 21903, 24908
10m: SSB: 28444? CW: 28032, 28035, 28058
WSPR: 144.489 USB
The Spring VHF/UHF Field Day is also on this weekend;