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PARG Swap Meet 2021


Swap Meet 


Depending on the Covid restrictions the PARG is proposing to hold its swap meet, early March 21.

As further details come to hand they will be posted here.

The proposed PARG Swap Meet is now going ahead.

The date: Saturday 06 March 21

The time: 0800, members and sellers; doors open 0830 for buyers till 1230; depart 1300.

The Place: The Mandurah Bowling Club, 89 Allnutt Street Mandurah.

Who: PARG members, other clubs and retail suppliers. are being invited to attend to help make this a great event.

Mark the date in your diary, on your calendar, on your portable palm device (aka, the back of your hand) so you don’t miss the chance to grab a bargain, catch up with fellow Hams, maybe see what’s new in the world of radio. .- -. -.. | --- ..-. | -.-. --- ..- .-. … . | .- | -… .- .-. --. .- .. -. | ..-. --- .-. | … --- -- . | -- --- .-. … . | . --.- ..- .. .--. -- . -. - | -… -.-



If you would like a table for your club, please contact the secretary, David, with numbers and contact details:

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